How can you track your mutual fund investment?

It’s easy to get confused with the extent of information regarding mutual funds accessible on the Internet, especially for novice investors. Many people opt to entrust their assets to a financial advisor in a passive manner. While advisers are valuable and often indispensable companions in your financial journey, investors should have at least a basic …

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Long-Term Vs Short-term Crypto Investment

Investors are free to choose how long they wish to invest in the crypto market. Some invest over the course of a day, while others invest in cryptocurrency for several months or years. The former is often regarded as a day trader. Besides their preference, it also depends on an investor’s approach to the crypto …

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How to Decide Between A House And An Apartment 

For many years the dream has been to own your own home. It is often seen as a sign of success and it helps you to achieve financial freedom in retirement. In short, owning a property is akin to being successful and secure.  Yet, the traditional idea of property ownership is changing, more people are …

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10 Vital Things to Know Before Moving to Seattle

Seattle is a city in the state of Washington that has a lot of reasons why you should live there. It boasts excellent neighborhoods, a plethora of career prospects, educational institutes, areas for hiking and other activities to suit your adventurous spirit, and lovely weather all year. Before moving to any place, it’s essential to …

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Is it a good idea to invest in Mutual Funds?

The answer to the above question is YES. Mutual fund investments are a great financial tool if you understand them. Mutual Funds are one of the most efficient investment options in financial planning.  Investing through mutual funds is a great way to build wealth and attain financial freedom. Investors get different options and can select …

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Can cats eat eggs?

There are many ways to prepare eggs. When eggs are fully cooked, their protein can be good for cats. But will your cat eat eggs? That’s another question. Read on to find out how you can prepare eggs as a treat for your cat. Are eggs good for cats? Since cats are carnivores, they benefit …

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Tips For Surviving A Month On A Tight Budget

A month ago, I was on a tight budget and had to survive without any money for 30 days. I have learned a lot during this time and would like to share my experiences with you. The Importance of Saving Money Saving money is an important part of any budget. Not only does it help …

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Four tips on starting a trading business

Entrepreneurship can be quite rewarding if you do things the right way. The perks and benefits attached to owning your business outweigh the initial effort.  The experience can be an exciting ride, and there are many things you can learn that nobody in college can teach you.  Things can be quite overwhelming, ranging from managing …

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