What Is A Block Trade?

When trading you must have come across a lot of shares and block trades so what is a block trade? And what does a lot of shares mean? First, you must know that a Lot of shares which means 100 shares. But a block trader does not deal with a lot of shares. So what is a block trade meaning and how does it work out? Let us see this in the below article.

What Is A Block Trade?

In simple words block trade is an exchange of financial assets in a large number and Congress or SEC no one has issued any type of legal definition for a block trade. The term is just used casually by the traders.

However, you will see that many of the markets have defined their own rules on what a block constitutes. Commonly people in the market may practice the New York Stock Exchange Rule 127.10 Where a block trade has a minimum of 10,000 shares of stock or the market value is a minimum of $200,000. Whichever is lesser is counted.

This means that maximum block traders exchange, purchase, or sale where there are 10,000 units, or the value is $200,000 whichever is lesser.

Many block traders consider going for larger amounts. Most of the block trades are of shares of stocks or of bonds that means most of the trading is about the equity and debt market. Mostly the block trading is conducted by institutional investors. The reason is that the volume price is very high for individual investors.

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Block Trade Definition

A block trade is an exchange or sale or purchase of securities or assets in large numbers. This includes the sale and purchase of equity bonds in large numbers between two parties but at a fixed price. Many times, these trades are done out of the open market so that the impact on the security price of such assets may be lesser.

If you see this from a trader’s point of view it is the best way to move a huge amount of security without a cany change in the market price by this process.

How Are Block Trades Made?

Block trades are commonly made through an intermediate called a blockhouse. The blockhouse is a firm that is specialized in huge trading. They have complete knowledge of the trade and are careful that the volatile rise is not caused or take care that the securities price does not fall. There has a staff of traders who have a great knowledge of trading and manage the trade size well. They maintain a good relationship with other traders and firms so that the trade of such large amounts is done easily.

Whenever an institution plans for a block trade it first reaches the staff of the blockhouse as they will help in the trade. Once the order is final the blockhouse staff/brokers contact the other brokers that are specialized in certain types of trades. They fill these large orders through many different sellers.

Example Of Block Trade

After understanding what is a block trade let’s see an example to get more specified.

Let’s say a hedge fund wants to sell its 100,000 shares at the market price of $ 10 each. This transaction is of million-dollar but may be worthy of some hundred million in total. So maybe the sale will be pushed down. The size of the order may also be affected by prices. Hence the hedge fund will see slippage on the order and the other traders may take advantage of the price action and this may force the stock down.

To avoid all this the blockhouse can be contacted for help. They break up their large trade into small chunks. For example, they can make 50 small blocks of the share that is 2,000 shares in each block with $10 per share. Each block will be introduced to a different broker this will keep the market volatility low. So the 100,000 shares can be sold in the open market.


What Does A Block Trade Mean?

A block trade means a sale or purchase of large numbers of securities like equities and bonds between two parties. The block trades are usually more than 10,000 shares.

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Are Block Trades Good Or Bad?

As says Slava Block Traders are great to measure a near-term intraday interest in stocks. Although it is hard to determine that a block trade is good or bad.

What Is A Secondary Block Trade?

A block trade is the second sale of a large number of shares. The block trade is carried by institutional investors. They best suit for high liquidity and well-researched shares in public companies

What Is Considered A Block Trade?

The New York Stock Exchange and the Nasdaq define a block trade as one involving at least 10,000 shares of stock, or one worth more than $200,000.

How Do You Spot A Block Trade?

All you have to do is pull up the Signals tool and make sure the block trades Signal is checked. Here, you can easily see the time, ticker, description of the block trade. Some Signals will show at the ask, above the ask, below the bid, or at the bid.


Block Trading is a transaction between parties that involve a large number of securities that means a huge number of equities or bonds at an agreed price. Block trades commonly are carried out of the open market paces that help decrease the volatility and let the price be stable. A block trade has more than 10,000 shares of stocks or the bonds should be worth $200,000. Understanding what is a block trade can help you understand the share market even better.

Why do people do block trades

How do block trades work?