Does Inflation Pose a Threat to Your Retirement

As the U.S. economy reopens, people are seeingan inflation rate that has not been seen in over 40 years. Seniors or those who are thinking of retiring early need to think about how the ballooning inflation rate can threaten their retirement and financial security in the future. In the 1970s, the inflation rate was up …

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Do I need employer’s liability insurance for subcontractors?

You may think that hiring subcontractors doesn’t require you to have employer’s liability insurance, but this isn’t always the case. Here, we explain the difference between taking on a bona fide subcontractor versus a labour only subcontractor, and when employers liability insurance is needed. Working with subcontractors  Hiring a subcontractor is common practice in many …

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Alexander Abramov – Profile of a Russian Billionaire 

Operating in New Zealand, the United States and other countries in the world, the Russian businessman and philanthropist, born in Krasnodar in southern Russia, is influenced greatly by the city he was born in. Krasnodar, a city of 745,000 residents, is home to the steel lattice hyperboloid tower built by the Russian engineer and scientist …

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CryptoLocker – What Are the Factors to Consider?

CryptoLocker is a ransomware that was so strong and destructive that it took a unique worldwide government group to put it down. However, not before the cybercriminals who made a fortune from their victims. CryptoLocker ransomware encrypts documents on Windows PCs and afterward requests an installment in return for the decryption key.  It initially surfaced …

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Why are Tech Giants lurking around the Insurance Market? 

In the last few years, Google, Apple, Amazon, and Facebook have made news for their activities in the financial systems industry, specifically — digital payments. While their footprint in the insurance market may not be as well-publicized, it is substantial – and booming. Now because these major tech giants have spent extensively in healthcare technology …

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Everything you need to know about Health insurance

Health Insurance: Health insurance is a contract or agreement between the insurance company and the insured customer in which the insurance company agrees to settle the hospitalization claim amount of the insured in case of any accident, disease or illness as per the terms and conditions mentioned under the policy, in return for a considerable …

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The 3 Ways To Improve Cash Flow In Your Construction Business

Poor cash flow is a problem that affects a lot of different companies across a broad spectrum of industries. It is something that can severely inhibit the growth of any company. The construction industry is one that deals very frequently with cash flow issues. It’s the nature of the business that allows for it. Cash …

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5 Financial Tips for Getting a Second Mortgage

One way to get money from your home’s equity is to get a second mortgage, which is a loan that uses the equity in your home as collateral. A home equity loan and a home equity line of credit(HELOC)t are two examples of mortgages. And just like your first mortgage, a second mortgage is backed …

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The best conditions for online lending – OnCredit

Today”s favorable online loan terms have made it easier for people to get a  online loan in Sri Lanka  than a few years ago. This has resulted in many more people getting online loans than before. So what are the favorable conditions for online loans? What do you need to prepare to get an online …

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