What are the Parts of a Check?

What are the Parts of a Check

One needs to understand the different parts of a check as it will help you down in writing down a check. But before this, you should know how to write a check? As well as identify parts of a check. So, here in this article, we will be understanding the 12 parts of a check …

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How To Invest In CMBS (Commercial Mortgage-Backed Securities)

How To Invest In CMBS

This article presents you an overview of commercial mortgage-backed securities (CMBS), which is a bond like instrument and attractive vehicle for investing in commercial real estate loans. What does cmbs stand for? A CMBS stands for Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities. What is cmbs?  A CMBS or say Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities used to purchase commercial …

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How Much of Your Income Should You Invest?

Do you know how much of your income should you invest to reach your financial goals? There is no greatest answer on how to save a lot of money and whether you should invest or not. However, every person’s investing target depends on their circumstances. This can involve how much you earn, the type of …

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UAE Experiences An Increased Influx Of Foreign Direct Investment By 44% During The Ongoing Pandemic

The economy of the UAE has yet again proved its resilience and reliability amid the global pandemic by recording a whopping 44.2% increase in its foreign domestic investments.  While FDI covered all core segments, the oil and gas sector was the busiest, with Adnoc driving several big investment deals and partnerships that helped its “in-country …

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How to Protect Yourself from Mortgage Scams

Mortgage scams are a particular concern that’s becoming more common over time. Such a fraud covers a broad range of activities, such as inflating an appraisal to get a mortgage higher than a property’s worth and pretending to provide financial help to a homeowner who’s seeking help. Mortgage fraud can be two ways; it’s either …

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Psychological pressure in personal bankruptcy: How you can learn to deal with the debt situation

Debts are not only a financial burden for those affected, in many cases a debt problem is also accompanied by strong psychological pressure. Existential fears and the feeling of failure determine everyday life and make it even more difficult to cope with the debt burden. Letters are not opened, social contacts are avoided out of …

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All that you need to know about collaborative accounting 

Everything that you see around yourself has gone through a complete phase of evolution and with the passage of every stage of evolution, the things become better. It doesn’t matter in which part of the world you live or in which profession you are, you must have witnessed evolution in some form or another. Well, …

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BINANCE vs COINBASE: Financial Facts you must Know

Two leading cryptocurrency exchanges ( binance vs coinbase ) operate in quite different ways. Designed for learners, Coinbase has a basic UI and restricted transaction types. Because of its user-friendly interface and three tiers of trading experience, Binance isn’t nearly as straightforward and in-built for beginners as Coinbase. We compared Binance and Coinbase side-by-side, along …

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How to start trading forex in the US

Have you had your fill of video meetings and the new lockdown daily grind? More and more Americans are using the freedom that working from home gives them to start trading currencies. The foreign exchange (forex or ‘FX) market is attracting a lot of US traders. It often starts as a side-hustle for a bit …

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Investing for Doctors – Gateway to Financial Freedom

Investing for doctors has been one of the least talked about subjects over the years. While the medical field is a well rewarding profession, it doesn’t necessarily mean that all the doctors in the world are rich.  Doctors, just like all the other majority of people across the world have a very less idea about …

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