What Is BDD? What Are The Best Practices To Implement It?

If you’re wondering what BDD is and how to implement best practices for it, you’re in the right place! In this post, we’ll look at exactly what BDD is and offer some tips on getting started. Stay tuned!

So, you know what BDD is? BDD is short for behaviour-driven development and refers to a process whereby software development is based on its behaviours and functionality rather than its technical implementation. In other words, it’s about focusing on what the software should do rather than how it should do it.

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What Are BDD’s Advantages?

  1. Improved collaboration between business and IT

BDD promotes communication and collaboration between business stakeholders and the development team. By starting with acceptance criteria, stakeholders can provide clear and concise requirements that the team can use to guide development.

  1. Greater visibility into project status

BDD acceptance criteria can be used to generate living documentation that gives all project stakeholders a clear understanding of the project’s current state.

  1. Reduced rework

Acceptance tests provide a clear definition of done, which can help reduce the need for rework later in the project.

  1. Increased customer satisfaction

 BDD can help increase customer satisfaction with the final product by focusing on delivering value to the customer.

  1. Increased team productivity

BDD can help increase team productivity by helping teams focus on delivering value to the customer and reducing the need for rework.

  1. Improved project predictability

By starting with acceptance criteria, BDD can help improve project predictability by providing a clear definition of done.

  1. Improved software quality

BDD can help improve software quality by promoting collaboration and communication.

Best Practises That You Should Bear In Mind To Implement BDD

  1. Keep the focus on behaviours, not implementation details.
  2. Write tests that are expressive and easy to understand.
  3. Make use of automation to run your tests frequently.
  4. Use tools that support collaboration and communication between different stakeholders.
  5. Encourage a culture of collaboration and feedback.
  6. Be open to change and constantly strive to improve.
  7. Always remember that BDD is a process, not a tool or technique. Therefore, there is no one-size-fits-all solution, so be sure to tailor your approach to suit your specific needs and requirements.

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What Are BDD’s Disadvantages?

  1. Over-specification and Over-documentation: BDD can lead to over-specification and over-documentation if not used carefully. This can make the software development process more time-consuming and expensive.
  2. Limited Testing Capabilities: BDD is primarily focused on testing the functionality of an application. It is not well suited for testing other aspects of software quality, such as performance or security.
  3. Requires Good Domain Knowledge: BDD requires a good understanding of the problem domain to write effective scenarios. This can be challenging for projects with complex domains or teams with limited domain knowledge.
  4. May Encourage Brittle Tests: BDD tests are often written in a very specific way to the implementation details of an application. This can make them brittle and difficult to maintain as the application evolves.
  5. Can Be Difficult to Adopt: BDD can be a challenge to adopt due to its focus on collaboration and communication. In addition, it can be difficult to get started with BDD if team members are not used to working in this way.
  6. Requires Good Tools: BDD requires good tools to be effective. The scenario editor, for example, is essential for writing and maintaining scenarios.

What Is Shift Left Testing In BDD?

  • Additionally, Shift left testing helps ensure that all stakeholders are aligned on the expected software behaviour. This allows for more efficient and effective collaboration throughout the development process. Overall, Shift left testing is a vital part of the BDD approach and can help teams deliver better software products.
  • One key element of BDD is Shift left testing, which refers to the practice of moving to test earlier in the software development cycle. By testing early and often, team members can identify issues sooner, leading to faster resolution and fewer defects in the final product. 


BDD is a software development approach that focuses on collaboration between different stakeholders to define the expected behaviour of an application. By focusing on behaviours, BDD can help improve the quality of your code and the efficiency of your development process.