What is Advanced C Programming? List the Interview Questions

As an IT graduate, software professional, or programmer, you must already be familiar with the C language. It is a general-purpose programming language that helps you figure out how the computer works and the programs that run and execute on machines. As C forms the base of other languages, it helps you understand the concepts in other languages. 

But why learn advanced concepts of the C programming language? 

Well, a C program is an important language if you want to write an operating system, a piece of software that runs other programs, or any systems application. It allows you to understand the underpinning hardware low-level tasks and use advanced constructs and techniques in Embedded C.

So if you want to further a career in programming, register for an Advanced C Course and improve your prospects of acing lucrative jobs with large enterprises.

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What is C Programming?

C is a general-purpose computer programming language, the language of the Unix system from as early as the 1970s. The ability of Unix to run on different machines, systems, and environments was made possible with the portability of C. And this helped the Unix OS gain acceptance and popularity. In turn, C gained more popularity among programmers, giving rise to the creation of different compilers for every OS and computer architecture structure. It is this used to develop software like operating systems, databases, compilers, and more. Today, C is available on all platforms and has moved beyond being the ‘native’ language of Unix to powering servers and systems across the world.

The C language has low-level memory access and a clean style, making it suitable for system programming. Many languages subsequent to C, like Java, PHP, and JavaScript, have taken the syntax and features from the C language, making C a must-learn for every programmer.

Reasons to learn Advanced C Programming

C is a compact language with a small set of keywords, syntax, and built-in functions. It is fast and efficient in code execution. Because of its proximity to the hardware, C code is written precisely, giving clarity on how the code interacts with the computer system. The flexibility to manually allocate, manipulate and write to memory, makes C a powerful and flexible language.

C is also highly portable. Despite its proximity to the computer, its access to low-level functions makes the code portable and machine-independent. 

By learning and using the Advanced C Programming language, you can take your basic and intermediate C programming skills to the next level of expertise.

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Interview Questions for the Experienced C Developers

Getting certified in Advanced C programming is not enough. You must also prepare yourself for your job interview. 

Here is a list of 60 Advanced C interview questions for experienced developers: 

  1. What is the difference between “calloc(…)” and “malloc(…)”?
  2. What is modular programming?
  3. Mentions the differences between arrays and pointers.
  4. What is indirection?
  5. What is the return value of printf and scanf?
  6. Differentiate between strings and character arrays.
  7. What is the difference between text and binary modes?
  8. How can you remove duplicates in an array?
  9. When is the “void” keyword used in a function
  10. What is a null pointer?
  11. What is hashing?
  12. How to call a function before main()?
  13. List the advantages of a macro over a function.
  14. What is a dynamic data structure?
  15. Can include files be nested?
  16. What is the difference between const char* p and char const* p?
  17. How would you reduce the final size of the executable?
  18. Differentiate between void foo(void) and void foo().
  19. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the external storage class?
  20. Swap two variables without using any control statement
  21. What does a static variable mean?
  22. Add two numbers without using the Addition Operator.
  23. What does the macro #line do?
  24. Subtract two numbers without using Subtraction Operator.
  25. What is the function pointer?
  26. Differentiate between the macros and the functions.
  27. How can you determine the size of an allocated portion of memory?
  28. Write a program to check whether a liked list is circular or not.
  29. When should a far pointer be used?
  30. How to free a block of memory previously allocated without using free?
  31. Check whether the number is EVEN or ODD without using any arithmetic or relational operators
  32. How do you override a defined macro?
  33. What is static memory allocation and dynamic memory allocation?
  34. Write a program to find the node at which the intersection of two singly linked lists begins.
  35. Can math operations be performed on a void pointer?
  36. Can static variables be declared in a header file?
  37. How to pack a structure?
  38. Check for Balanced Parentheses using Stack.
  39. Differentiate between an internal static and external static variable?
  40. Merge Two sorted Linked List
  41. Why should I prototype a function?
  42. What is rvalue and lvalue?
  43. Can we compile a program without a main() function?
  44. What is Operator overloading?
  45. Write a program to get the higher and lower nibble of a byte without using the shift operator.
  46. C program to check whether the given number format is in binary or not.
  47. How to convert a string to an integer value?
  48. What is Polymorphism?
  49. How do you override a defined macro?
  50. C Program to find a sum of digits of a number using recursion
  51. What are header files, and what are its uses in C programming?
  52. How to prevent the same header file from getting included multiple times?
  53. Which is better #define or enum?
  54. Can you tell me how to check whether a linked list is circular?
  55. Differentiate Source Codes from Object Codes
  56. What is the use of a semicolon (;) at the end of every program statement?
  57. How to call a function before main()?
  58. Write a C program to check if it is a palindrome number or not using a recursive method.
  59. What is a modulus operator? What are the restrictions of a modulus operator?
  60. What is the difference between a linker and a linkage?


Knowledge of Advanced C programming gives the candidate or IT professional a strong foundation in a general-purpose programming language and makes him career-ready for larger job roles within the IT and Data Science industry.