It’s Never Too Late to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Breathing in fresh air is something we tend not to think about unless there is an odor and in most cases we take it for granted. The homes of today usually come fitted with a ventilation system, and unless you are purchasing the home as opposed to renting it will more than likely be a generic system geared to do the basics or bear minimum. 

This doesn’t go to say that you can’t upgrade it or improve the quality of the air you are receiving, it is easier than you think and can make a significant difference in your life. Many people hear the word HVAC system upgrade and run for the hills, all they essentially hear are bills, costs, and a remortgage on the house to get the job done. 

But if you find the right company to do the work right the first time around you won’t have to worry about being overcharged or having a lack-luster system installed.

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Finding the best fit.

Certainly, with all the brands and companies out there all claiming to be the best in the business it can become overwhelming quicker than you may realize. To get you started in the right direction take a quick look at and see what options are available to you on the market, there is something to suit every budget.

Chatting to the professionals will help you get a better understanding of what can or will work in your home, some factors that determine the type of system you will need to get the best filtration, ventilation, and circulation throughout. Let’s take a quick look at what some of those could be.

  • Size. The main element, finding out how much area you want covering in terms of square footage. The garage is usually excluded but rooms such as a study or pantry may not have initially been considered.
  • Orientation. A sun-facing home in the winter is a bonus as you are less likely to need as much heating due to the natural heat generated, this does mean, however, that in summer the house can get hot quickly, and thus a more powerful system would be best to keep things cool and comfortable.
  • Rooms. This depends on if your home is multi-story as we know that hot air tends to rise and why the bedrooms upstairs are cozier in winter. But as we know in summer it can be impossible to sleep in the heat, so for cooler air to reach the upper levels a recommendation of what is known as a zoning system (read about it in this link) is advised.
  • Insulation. The best system in the world is not going to help if you have poor insulation, no matter how high your turn the thermostat the house just won’t feel warm and toasty as the heat escapes through the walls and cracks. This then increases the costs and the whole setup becomes an unwanted headache.
  • Landscape. Who knew those large oak trees would affect the HVAC system of your home, but if they offer enough shade and cooling during summer it could help.

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The plus side of better air.

Naturally, the best part of a shiny new HVAC system is that your home smells fresher, you feel better and you breathe easier. No more allergy flare-ups from the kids or worrying that the dust accumulation due to inadequate filters is adding up. You can have peace of mind that you are providing a safe and healthy home for your family. 

There are many positives to installing a new HVAC system but the main feature homeowners claimed to have noticed a significant change in was their running costs. Monthly bills are reduced and the home doesn’t have to ‘work as hard’ to cool down or heat the various areas. Not only does an outdated or deteriorating system put a strain on the working parts, but it isn’t efficient enough to make a difference. 

A small investment in a quality operation can add value to the home and have lasting effects for a better future, combine that with a routine maintenance plan and your HVAC system will last for years.