Many job seekers can’t find the reason for failing one job interview after another. The same is true for the employees who can’t keep a job. Well, according to every other career advice expert, communication skills (or lack thereof) is typically to blame. Hard skills obviously matter. But no one will tolerate a poor communicator unless they are a pure genius. So it’s always the right step to work on one’s communication skills.
#1 Conciseness and Clarity
One of the worst traits an employee can possibly have is the inability to be brief and clear in professional communication. Even more so if they are in a managerial position, where they have to give instructions and talk to their teammates all the time. So if you’re looking for communication skills for resume that any recruiter or hiring manager will appreciate, visit Skillhub.
Keep in mind, though, that you’ll be expected to demonstrate these skills. So once you land a managerial interview at Kohl, practice answering Kohl’s common questions a recruiter or prospective boss can ask you. Your answers should live up to the promises you made in your job application. Among other things, this implies that they have to be clear, concise, and straightforward.
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#2 Ability to Deliver Feedback
Another communication competence most recruiting firms and employers are looking for in job seekers is the ability to deliver honest, empathetic feedback. No decent manager wants the people they work with to lie to avoid confrontation. But they don’t want to be surrounded by jerks, either. So a good employee strikes the right balance between honesty and politeness.
So “ability to deliver feedback” is an excellent communication skill to have on your resume. As many employers are looking for it, this can help you get more interviews and increase the likelihood of getting hired. But please avoid misleading the recruiter or another person in charge of hiring decisions. Don’t claim that you can deliver feedback if you’re actually a people pleaser who is terrified of upsetting others.
#3 Ability to Accept Criticism
One more critical communication skill for an employee in basically any industry is the ability to handle criticism. No matter how much work experience you have and how impressive your career accomplishments are, you can’t possibly do everything perfectly.
So a day might come when a colleague or even a manager or yours will have to criticize your work. When this happens, you should try not to be too sensitive and take it like a champ instead. Negative feedback is almost never personal. And it can help you grow professionally. After all, if you were perfect at everything, your progress would stop, which no one should want.
#4 Empathy
Obviously, people appreciate a chance to work with an outstanding professional. But they also want to work with a good person. If you’ve ever had a tyrant boss, you know how awful working with someone who lacks empathy is. Employers are humans. And humans want to hire humans they enjoy being around. So empathy is a big thing to work on.
For sure, empathy isn’t exactly a skill. But you can totally work on it to deserve the right to mention it when applying for a job. Therapy is the best place to start. It is a great way to grow personally and invest in your career at the same time. But you can at least read a couple of relevant books, such as Difficult Conversations and The Empathy Edge.
#5 Nonverbal Communication
A lot of job seekers make the mistake of thinking that no one knows their real thoughts as long as they don’t voice them. And then they wonder why they can’t get a job despite tons of job applications and seemingly successful interviews. Chances are, they lack nonverbal communication skills, including:
- The tone of voice. No interviewer appreciates a candidate who’s too loud or, on the contrary, keeps near-whispering throughout the interview.
- Body language. When your pose communicates boredom or apprehension (for example, arms crossed over the chest), it affects the recruiter’s opinion of you.
- Facial expressions. Do company research before the interview. If friendliness and informal communication is part of the corporate culture at this organization, try to smile and laugh more during the interview.
- Eye gaze. Hold the interviewer’s gaze but don’t stare. You want to project confidence without being creepy.
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#6 Business Writing Skills
Finally, an important thing to put on your resume is business writing skills. Writing tons of emails is part of the job in most industries. If it’s true for yours as well, make your competence known in your resume and job application.
But if you feel like your writing skills need some work, it’s a good idea to get professional help. You can contact a professional writing business to ask for tutoring or find a relevant online course. Regardless of your job, improving your writing skills will benefit your career and make job searching easier for you. Even a job application itself implies writing.
An Afterword
Mentioning communication skills on your resume in some way, shape, or form is a must, and so is working on them throughout your career and it’s a great chance to get your dream job . While that’s an umbrella term, the communication skills to pay particular attention to are clarity, ability to deliver and handle criticism, empathy, nonverbal communication, and business writing. Choose a couple and focus on them, then move on to the next ones.