Six Advertising Strategies That Can Save You Money

If you run a small business, you may have a hard time bringing in clients due to budget limitations. Some entrepreneurs choose to not invest much in advertising at all, while others dump money into traditional media before they even know what they want their brand to be. There is a middle ground here: Using affordable and workable advertising strategies can help you expand your business without much risk. This article will discuss six of these strategies.

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Digital, Not Traditional

Some entrepreneurs immediately jump to print, television and billboards for ad placement. These platforms tend to be very expensive and making lofty payments early on can complicate your finances in the future. Everything from taking loans to cashing out a 401(k) can affect your life now and in the future. For this reason, you should stick to investing in digital marketing at first. This can enable you to expand your reach without subjecting yourself to future difficulties.

Guest Posting

If you’re working with a startup, finding a reputable guest posting service may be a great option for you. It’s important that the service is relevant to your niche (and preferably focuses on it) so that your brand is seen as a legitimate player in the industry. There are some programs that allow for customized guest posting that can help your company rank higher in search engines and increase traffic. In-content links can be set up to refer viewers to web pages that have high domain authority. Most importantly, your brand recognition can drastically improve without you having to pay much.

Customer Rewards

Advertising isn’t only about bringing in new customers, but retaining the ones you already have. A good reward system can keep your current base satisfied with your services. You can encourage repeat purchases and referrals by offering incentives or gift cards.
Depending on the type of business you’re running, you might even consider setting up a contest that allows customers to view your company in a more familial light. A good approach can maintain engagement and encourage other people to join in.

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While most traditional advertising strategies aren’t helpful for new businesses, word-of-mouth is one of the oldest forms of advertising around and it still works for everyone. Verbal advertising is one of the most organic ways you can promote your brand and with the right execution, it costs nothing. The better your product or service is, the more likely word will spread without you having to ask. Brand loyalty can skyrocket if enough happy customers are talking.


You can boost organic traffic if you find a good SEO strategy to invest in. Whether you’re trying to draw people towards a social media page, a blog or your own website, optimizing good keywords can help your endeavors. You can implement an SEO strategy by outsourcing the tasks to an agency, having an internal department do it or taking care of it yourself. If you choose to use SEO in-house, it’s important to know what keywords are best so you don’t waste time or money.


You can keep your customers in the loop by encouraging them to subscribe. This course of action can be done through e-mail lists, social media follows, text messaging and so on. Not only will subscriptions enable you to notify people about new items you have or sales that you’re offering, but they can allow you to personalize communication with shoppers and garner feedback. Also, having a large number of subscribers can help your company rank higher on some platforms so new people can find you.

In the modern landscape, there are a plethora of tools you can use to increase visibility and find new clientele. The most important thing is having a purpose, knowing what you’re selling and being genuine with the people you reach out to. Advertising comes in many forms and can be changed under different circumstances, but the core of the process is having something that can suit another person’s needs.