How to File for a Tax Extension & What to Be Wary of

Despite all of your efforts, there is always the possibility that you will miss the deadline for submitting your taxes. In circumstances like these, submitting an extension request for your taxes can buy you the additional time you need to ensure that your returns are complete and precise. In this in-depth tutorial, you will go into crucial recommendations for effectively seeking an extension on your tax return and provide insights into what you can be careful of.

Filing For A Tax Extension – What You Need To Know

Determine Whether Or Not You Are Eligible

The great majority of individual taxpayers are eligible for an automatic six-month extension, and they do not need to provide any special rationale for their request for the extension. This extension is available to them regardless of whether or not they file an extension request.  The type of business that is being operated has an effect on the regulations that must be followed and the dates by which they must be submitted. Check with the Internal Revenue Service or the tax authority in your state to find out the exact requirements that are imposed on the type of company that you own and operate.

Submit A Form 4868

Filling out and submitting Form 4868, which is more formally referred to as the “Application for Automatic Extension of Time to File U.S. Individual Income Tax Return,” is required in order to make a request for additional time to pay taxes. This form may be submitted to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in one of three ways: electronically by utilizing tax preparation software, with the assistance of a trained tax professional, or by sending a paper copy to the IRS by postal mail. When you send in Form 4868, you must ensure that all of the information you’ve supplied, including your estimated tax liability and any payments you’ve already sent in, is up to date.

Accurately Determine The Amount Of Taxes You Owe

When requesting an extension on your taxes, you must offer an estimate of your tax burden that is as accurate as possible. If you fail to make a sufficient tax payment by the due date, you may incur penalties and interest on the outstanding balance. If you’re uncertain about your tax owed, consider consulting a tax expert or utilizing tax software to estimate it more precisely. An expert tax relief specialist can develop comprehensive tax plans to help individuals and businesses legally reduce their tax burdens, providing substantial financial benefits. They can offer guidance on tax deductions, credits, and other potential tax-saving options, all of which have the potential to result in considerable cost reductions throughout one’s lifetime.

Pay What You Owe As Quickly As Possible

A tax extension request does not grant you more time to pay any taxes that may be owed. You must submit a payment that is complete and exact before the initial deadline for paying taxes to avoid incurring penalties and interest. If you cannot pay the whole amount for whatever reason, it is still recommended that you pay as much as you can to lessen the severity of the financial hardship. Those struggling to make ends meet have access to several payment options, including installment arrangements, through the Internal Revenue Service.

What To Be Aware Of While Filing For Tax Extension

Be Aware Of The Time Limit

The 15th of April is traditionally considered the deadline for submitting individual income taxes in the United States. It is essential to keep in mind that submitting an extension request for your taxes does not provide you additional time to pay your taxes. You need to submit your request for an extension well before the deadline to avoid incurring late-filing penalties and interest charges. In addition, it is essential to come up with an estimate of your tax burden that is as accurate as possible and to submit the necessary payment by the date originally specified.

Be Wary Of Fraudulent Tax Schemes

Fraudsters are at their most active during the tax season and frequently target those who are requesting an extension to file their taxes. Be on the lookout for unsolicited communications, such as emails or phone calls, especially if the sender claims to be the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) or a tax specialist. You must note that the Internal Revenue Service does not, as a general rule, initiate contact with taxpayers via email or phone. In addition, the Internal Revenue Service will not demand instant payment or personal information when you call them. If you get any correspondence that seems fishy, you can always verify its legitimacy immediately with the Internal Revenue Service or a reputable tax professional.

Avoid Putting Things Off Until Later

Even though requesting an extension on your taxes will buy you some time, you cannot use this as an excuse to put off paying them. Make the most of the extra time available to you to compile an appropriate tax return by gathering all the required documents and information. There is a risk of making mistakes, experiencing extra stress, and creating significant issues if you wait until the last minute.


If you cannot meet the initial deadline for submitting your taxes, requesting an extension on those filings might be an extremely helpful lifeline. Having said so, it is necessary to have a thorough understanding of the procedure and to pay attention to the guidance offered in the above-mentioned crucial guidelines.


  1. IRS
  2. Forbes