If your debt has gone to a debt collector agency, it’s still in your best interests to reach out to the collector. This is still the case even if you can’t repay your debt or wonder about the validity of the claims. At the very least, you will have the ability to confirm whether you actually owe anything.
Once you call a collector, make sure you tread lightly, and deeply consider the information you’re willing to share. Anything to do with your personal data or finances should be carefully considered. Many consumers fall prey to debt collector scams, therefore, there’s a risk that the company is unscrupulous. Click here for bailiff help and advice.
When dealing with a debt collector, you can ask them to submit proof of the debt. If done during the phone call, they have to share details about the debt. However, you can also ask the collector to mail a letter within five business days outlining your case.
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Not telling you is not an option! It is within your rights to learn:
*Who you owe money to
*The amount owed
*How to get ahold of the original creditor
*What to do if the debt isn’t yours
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Bear in mind, you also have the right to ask a collector to cease contact with you. This is easily done through a letter or via phone. Debt collectors not only don’t have the right to harass you, but they can’t repeatedly call you or use profane language.
Another little known fact is that debt collectors also have to legally tell you the truth. They can’t, for example, change the amount of money you owe or pretend they work for the government. It is also against the law for them to claim any action against you in case you fail to pay your debt.
Debt collectors also can’t unfairly charge you fees or punish you for non-compliance. Unless your original signed contract allows for interest fees, you’re not obligated to pay any. Lastly, collectors can’t publicly shame you or reveal your personal information showing that you owe any amount of debt.