Mortgage Contingency Clause

While purchasing a real estate property or home usually involves certain terms & conditions that are specified by the seller as well as the buyer both. One such agreement that exists between the buyer and the seller of the property is the Mortgage Contingency Clause.

What Is A Mortgage Contingency Clause?

A mortgage contingency clause depicts a clause or says a condition written down in an agreement that must be met before finalizing a real estate or property agreement. It states some of the conditions, which needed to be met. These conditions can also void the agreement if not met or fulfilled.

So, the mortgage contingency meaning is clear as a mortgage contingency is a clause that is written down in the sale of the property agreement depicting certain conditions that are needed to protect both the homebuyer and seller that helps out the seller in case the buyer is not able to finance the mortgage.

The buyers of the home may often receive preapproval for a mortgage when an offer for a property is made, the details of which are often verified by the lender.

Fundamentals Of A Mortgage Contingency Clause

Some of the common components or essentials which a Mortgage Contingency Clause may contain are as follows:

  • Type of loan to be safeguarded whether it’s FHA, or USDA, or conventional mortgage loan, or any other.
  • The amount which the buyer must lock in financing
  • Maximum interest rate which the buyer considers to be acceptable
  • Maximum origination points or fees which the buyer will pay to secure a loan
  • Whether another or any other property must be sold in order to qualify for put money into
  • a specific mortgage contingency date is also mentioned
  • provisions for extending the contingency is also provided in case the buyer is unable to protect the financing terms
  • A mortgage contingency extension is also mentioned depicting the terms of an extension with the seller.

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A Mortgage Contingency Clause Time Period

A mortgage contingency clause can last for about 30 and 60 days which depicts the mortgage approval time period. Some additional documentation may also be needed at the time of the approval of the mortgage contingency clause.

Mortgage Contingencies Removal

a mortgage contingency involved deadlines as well as expiration too. And thus, they needed to be removed. So, the removal of mortgage contingencies can be done in 2 ways as follows:

  • Active removal of mortgage contingencies
  • Passive removal of mortgage contingencies

Active Removal Of Mortgage Contingencies

The Active removal of mortgage contingencies takes place when written notice is there and the contractual parties are notified by the written notice. So, here the party will notify the seller in writing about a loan approval.

Passive Removal Of Mortgage Contingencies

The Passive removal of mortgage contingencies takes place when the parties into the contract have not canceled the agreement and also when a deadline has passed. 

Mortgage Contingency Clause Sample

A mortgage contingency clause sample contains details of the agreement specifying the details a contract will hold between the buyer and the seller. Where the buyer’s representation is stated as follows:

“Buyer’s responsibilities under this agreement are dependent upon Buyer’s procurement which specifies, a firm unconditional written commitment for a type of mortgage issued from a bank or any other lender specifying, the amount of purchase as well as the rate to the buyer. 

Where the buyers have a time period of 30 days to obtain the written clause or agreement from the date of its issuance. Although, the language of the mortgage contingency clause sample depicted may vary in different agreements. 

Waive Mortgage Contingency

Waive off mortgage contingency generally means removing off the protection as well as clauses or the agreement which a mortgage or property carries. Although, the real estate or property does carry Mortgage contingency clauses, which can be waived off if the buyers want it to be removed. 

Mortgage Contingency Extension Form

You can fill up a mortgage contingency extension form in case you want to extend the mortgage contingency agreement, which extends the period of the loan secured. Usually, the mortgage contingency extension date is 30 to 60 days from the implementation of the contract. When your mortgage contingency expiration has occurred then you can apply for a mortgage contingency extension form. So, a mortgage contingency extension can be done using a mortgage contingency extension form involving an agreement to extend the period of the loan secured.

Types Of Contingency Clauses

Some of the other Types of mortgage contingency Clauses are as follows:

  1. Appraisal contingency clause
  2. Financing contingency clause
  3. The home sale contingency clause
  4. Inspection contingency clause

Appraisal Contingency Clause:

The appraisal contingency clause is used by the buyer and seller which specifies if the property is valued at the minimum amount. Where the contract can be canceled or terminated if the property is not appraised at the minimum or a specified amount, where the amount can be refunded back to the buyer. Further, an appraisal contingency may contain the terms & conditions too.

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Financing Contingency Clause:

The Financing contingency clause involves taking the time and giving time to the buyer where the buyer can apply for and obtain financing for the property. Here, it is more beneficial for the buyer as in case the buyer is not able to arrange money of the financing, he can back off where all the money will be returned back to the buyer. Here, a specified number of days are given to the buyer to obtain the financing.

Home Sale Contingency Clause:

The Home sale contingency clause specifies and gives time to the buyer to sell off their home before they buy a new one, where the buyer can back off from the contract or agreement if the home of the buyer is not sold off at a desirable price the buyer has a choice to back off from the contract.

Inspection Contingency Clause:

The Inspection contingency clause gives the buyer the right to inspect the home or property he is buying where the buyer can further negotiate based on its findings of the inspection. Here, the buyer hires an inspector who examines the property’s interior and exterior and then furnishes a report to the buyer depicting all the details of the same upon which the buyer can negotiate.


How Long Is Mortgage Contingency?

A mortgage contingency has a time period of 30 days to obtain the written clause or agreement from the date of its issuance. Usually, the mortgage contingency extension date is 30 to 60 days from the implementation of the contract. When your mortgage contingency expiration has occurred then you can apply for a mortgage contingency extension form. So, a mortgage contingency extension can be done using a mortgage contingency extension form involving an agreement to extend the period of the loan secured.

Should I Waive Mortgage Contingency?

If you want you can waive off the mortgage contingency, though the decision should be taken with care as in case you fail to obtain a mortgage within the contingency period, then you cannot obtain your deposits back. Although, the real estate or property does carry Mortgage contingency clauses, which can be waived off if the buyers want it to be removed. 

Can A Seller Back Out Of A Contingent Offer?

a seller cannot back out of a contingent offer as the contracts or agreements are binding and the seller cannot back off from the agreement. Though, in case of contingency, the seller can back off from the sale. 

What Are Examples Of Contingencies?

A contingency is a potential occurrence of a negative event in the future, such as an economic recession, natural disaster, fraudulent activity, terrorist attack, or a pandemic.

What Type Of Contingency Usually Required By Mortgage Lenders Requires?

A finance contingency is standard in real estate transactions. Buyers most likely want to include this contingency if they plan on paying for the property with a mortgage or loan. It allows them to terminate the deal with no penalty if their financing falls through. Also typical is an appraisal contingency.


Contingencies mention down all the clauses that are involved and depicted in a contract. Therefore, mortgage contingency clause contingency is a clause that is written down in the sale of the property agreement depicting certain conditions that are needed to protect both the homebuyer and seller that helps out the seller in case the buyer is not able to finance the mortgage.

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