Writing is a process that goes beyond mere knowledge of letters. Children’s writing involves different skills including calligraphy.
Calligraphy refers to the way of writing of each person, to the type of strokes that give rise to the written letter. There are numerous occasions in which children have bad handwriting, leaving a message written but not legible and messy.
On many occasions, families and educators’ despair after trying many times to improve bad handwriting without success.
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children’s writing
Writing is the result of a complete process in which the body and mind have to multitask.
These processes are involved in children ‘s writing:
- Development of motor skills: to be able to trace the letters.
- Development of laterality and spatial coordination: it involves the coordination and order of writing.
- Mental development: that allows us to understand the different letters.
- Language development: ability to express and understand.
Children’s handwriting shows us many things, including how they organize their behaviour, their emotional state and stability, their temperament and certain traits of their personality.
Causes of poor handwriting in children
A child’s bad handwriting can be due to various causes, so it is important to investigate and know the cause first. Most common causes of bad handwriting:
- Learning difficulty: When the child with bad handwriting is not able to write what he thinks, we may be facing a case of dysgraphia (the communication between the brain and the hand is interrupted).
- emotional upset: The letter reflects the state of mind, so if the bad persists it can indicate some kind of emotional discomfort.
- Not having achieved the necessary skills, for not completing any of the development areas completed.
It is essential to pay attention to the possible causes of poor handwriting in children and, if in doubt, consult a specialist. You can help your child with the content of writing with https://essaywriters.ca/.
8 Tips to Improve Children’s Writing
It is very important to practice good handwriting. They are skills that are part of a more complete process, by exercising the letter we favour the development of motor skills, laterality, language and thought.
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Bad handwriting can be modified and made more orderly and legible, thus being an image of the way ideas are formed in the mind and related to the body.
- Detect the cause of the bad handwriting.
- Teach the child to hold the pencil correctly. You can make him see the importance of this with examples (ask him to hold the pencil by the upper part or with two other fingers and try to write, he will see that it is much more complicated and he will understand why he should hold the pencil well).
- Use sheets with lines or grids that serve as a guide for the child.
- Ask him to focus on writing well, to be understood and not to write fast. Sometimes doing it too fast is the cause of bad handwriting.
- Tell him not to squeeze with the pencil. Some kids squeeze too hard, too much pressure makes it hard to make smooth lines.
- Play games where he has to write and he will learn to write with good handwriting while having fun, for example hangman, etc.
- Calligraphy notebooks in which the child has to copy following a model are a good option, but do not limit yourself to them. These are useful for the development of motor skills, laterality, etc. but they can be useless in the case of a learning difficulty.
- Try to do activities in which the child has to relate his mind to his hand. Ask him to write and write without copying. Start with small texts, ask him to think and take his time to write it.