Facing a financial emergency can be frustrating if an individual has no money to cover it right away. When they lack the savings to pay for an unexpected expense, that bill may incur additional fees and other charges. For example, if the individual fails to pay their emergency medical bill, the hospital may add late fees and other costs to their bill and send their account to a collection agency.
Thus, it’s essential to have an emergency fund. However, if they have no emergency savings to shoulder this expense, they may consider taking out a payday loan. It’s a short-term loan used by borrowers to obtain immediate cash to pay an unanticipated cost. Unlike a traditional loan, it’s usually paid within a short period or after the next paycheck arrives. Also, in a post published by the U.S. News & World Report, Steve Rhode, who is a consumer debt expert, said that payday loans can be beneficial for borrowers who need urgent cash and can pay them in full and on time.
Hence, if someone needs immediate funds, they can get a payday loan online. However, applying for a payday loan doesn’t mean automatic approval. Lenders may disapprove a borrower’s application for some reasons, including non-compliance with the eligibility requirements.
To avoid this situation, below are the six surefire tips to getting approved for a payday loan:
- Look for a reputable payday loan lender
To ensure approval for a payday loan, borrowers must find the right lender. A good loan provider will not hesitate to help them get their application approved. As such, borrowers need to get the appropriate lender for their needs.
Generally, there are many payday loan lenders available online, but not all of them may be reliable or trustworthy. In that case, they need to look for a lending company that they can trust. They can check their prospects’ reputations in the financial market. For example, suppose they’re looking for Online Payday Loans in Canada or wherever they may be. In that case, they can check whether they’re certified and well-known in the country by visiting their websites or reading online reviews from third-party review sites.
Moreover, they can call their prospects and ask some questions about their company and the payday loans they offer. That way, they can get familiar with the lender, which is essential in choosing the right lender.
- Make sure to qualify for a loan
When taking out a payday loan, borrowers must meet the minimum eligibility requirements to secure approval. The lender will reject their application outright if they’re not qualified. So, borrowers need to research their lenders’ qualification criteria to know if they’re eligible before applying.
Generally, some common qualifications for taking out a payday loan are that they should be of legal age in their state and have regular employment and an active bank account. Having an excellent credit score isn’t a necessary eligibility criterion. An article published by Forbes Advisor mentioned that most payday loan lenders don’t conduct credit checks or consider the borrowers’ ability to pay.
Therefore, if the borrowers meet the requirements above, even with low credit scores, they’ll still receive loan approval from their lender.
- Prepare the documents
Like a traditional loan, applying for a payday loan requires borrowers to submit certain supporting documents. Although the documentary requirements may vary from one lender to another, one of the common documents to prepare is any proof of income in the form of pay slips, employment certification, or even tax returns.
However, if they fail to submit any of these documents, their lender may reject their loan application for non-compliance with the minimum eligibility requirements. So, to ensure their loan will be approved, they should prepare all the documents they need before filling out an application form.
- Give a reasonable purpose
When applying for a payday loan, the lender will ask the borrowers about their purpose. In that case, they need to give them a good and reasonable purpose to get approval. Sometimes, lenders reject the application if the objective isn’t essential or there’s no emergency. For example, if the purpose for obtaining the loan is to finance an upcoming holiday vacation, the lender will more likely disapprove of the loan.
But if the reason is for medical payments, emergency house repairs, and other unexpected costs, the loan will be approved.
- Only borrow what is needed
Borrowing more than what the borrower needs may be a reason for loan disapproval. Thus, to make sure their payday loan is approved, they should avoid getting overboard with the amount. In most cases, the lender will ask them about the reason for applying for a loan.
If the purpose isn’t aligned with their purpose, the lender may notice that they’re dishonest, thereby increasing the chances of rejection. For example, if the objective of their payday loan is to pay for an emergency home repair, asking for a thousand dollars may be too much. For this reason, they should make sure they have a specific amount in mind before applying.
- Avoid taking multiple loans all at once
Many borrowers consider applying for new credit lines when they’re in dire need of funds. Hence, if borrowers want their payday loans to get approved quickly, they should avoid taking out other loans, including credit cards. The lender will more likely reject their application if they know they take out additional lines of credit. This is because getting more credit lines may result in more debts, making them challenging to pay.
Like other types of loans, borrowers need to consider several things if they’re looking for a payday loan approval. By keeping the tips mentioned above in mind, your lender will more likely approve your loan application without any hassle.